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Childbirth Preparation Classes Barrhaven

Mom touching pregnant belly

Attention: Pregnant Moms

Sign up for the Childbirth Empowerment Intensive Live Course to Discover Insider Secrets of How to…

Create the Most Positive Birth for You and Your Baby

Childbirth Empowerment Intensive is designed to give you the tools to create the most empowering and positive birth for you and your baby.

There is something that holds women back from expressing their full potential in birth, it boils done to one root cause…

…their inner birthing blueprint is set to have limits to their potential.

Your home had a blueprint. That blueprint determined the potential of what your home could become. It determined all the choices that were made when building the home. You also have an inner birthing blueprint that spells out exactly how you make choices about your birth, how you respond to the situations that present, and how you express yourself in pregnancy, labour, and birth.

Your home’s blueprint has technical information of where to place the plumbing and the walls. Your inner birthing blueprint is different. It is made up of your underlying belief systems, feelings, thoughts, emotions, and past experiences all of which determine your choices and actions that you make regarding your birth.

Often we don’t even realize that these belief systems are in place. They are hidden under the surface until we encounter them face to face while in labour. Some women are confident going into to birth and don’t realize ahead of time that they have programmed limits to where they no longer feel they can trust themselves or the process of birth. Eighteen hours into labour is not the moment we want to discover our self limiting beliefs.

Childbirth Empowerment Intensive will help you identify your own inner birthing blueprint and facilitate the process of changing it so you can express your full birthing potential.

What might be hidden in your blueprint…


Fear that you are not good enough.

Fear that you don’t deserve a good birth.

Fear that you won’t be able to handle an unexpected outcome.

Fear of the hospital.

Fear of an unplanned out of hospital birth.

Fear that you can’t do it.

Fear that you won’t live up to others expectations.

Fear that you will “fail.”

Fear that you may die.

Fear that your baby may die.

Fear of losing control.

Fear of expressing yourself, out loud.

Fear of pain.

Fear that you won’t be able to handle the intensity of it all.

Fear of interventions.

Fear of needles.

Fear of surgical birth.

Fear that you won’t be a good parent.

Fear that your body will be damaged.

Fear that your partner won’t look at you the same anymore.

You may not have any of these fears, but there may be others that are lurking under the surface. Maybe some of these examples resonate with you and you are trying to push them aside for the sake of your baby. Hidden fears, or those we try to brush under the rug, can present in the heat of the moment and stop us in our tracks.

Some of these may be your own beliefs that you have developed along your path in life and some may be the fears of others or the culture that surrounds you. Pregnancy is the one time in life when almost everyone around you, including strangers , the people you love you, and even those specifically there to support you, will give you unlimited reasons why you can’t, shouldn’t, or won’t want to accomplish your goal. They will express all their fears and try to make them yours.

What if we could help you really break down those fears, discover what is behind them, if they are yours or other people’s, and determine what you can do to release them, and develop strategies to work past them if they present at the 11th hour.

What if we could take you through exercises that would help release anger, hurt, and insecurities?

What if we could empower you to create the team of people around you that will truly support you and your intentions and desires?

You must face your birth and play out your birth blueprint one way or another. What if you could write the blueprint.

Imagine having broken down all those fears, going through your birth and succeeding at creating a positive experience for you and your baby. You did it! How would that make you feel? Would that be the most empowering experience of your life? You, in all your power, in your full expression of you, your essence of a human being, you did it! You faced your fear and you did it! No one could do it for you, only you could look that fear in the face and follow through. How would that impact the rest of your life? You did it, no one can discount it or take it away. It is an experience that you can never forget, as you are reminded each day with the new being that you brought forth. It becomes a set point, a marker for your life of what you are capable of. It becomes a moment you can look back on to draw strength in difficult times. It is your full expression of you in your power.

It’s more than just learning about physiology, interventions and birth planning and support. This course offers a deeper perspective and opens parts of you that were closed. This was by far the best course for my partner, my baby and I!” Stephanie Earle

Imagine…uncovering underlying, limiting belief systems, releasing fears, and replacing them with self affirming beliefs and practical tools, so you can approach birth confidently.

Imagine… going into your labour, knowing that you have the resources to manage the physical, mental and emotional intensity of labour and birth. Specific practices will be taught that can be applied during labour and birth.

This series will also address how to make informed decisions and how to maintain a positive experience in the face of unexpected outcomes.

This class gives you a much deeper knowledge about yourself and managing labour than other prenatal courses and still includes the main info other classes give. 100x better at preparing you and your partner for what to expect physically, emotionally and spiritually.” Cyndi V.

It is essential that your partner or a support person is present at the class.

This course goes much deeper than learning about labor support. It encourages you to think and dig deeper and connect with your partner.” Stephanie Earle

Get Started Today

Childbirth Empowerment Intensive Course is brought to you by Dr. Nancy, Your Birth Coach (2661942 Ontario Inc.) Contact us to get started.


Childbirth Preparation Barrhaven | 613-823-1255